Μαγειρικός директор

2 days ago

Athens, Attica, Greece Vezené Full time
Απαιτούμενος Τίτλος: Μαγειρικός Διευθυντής

Γενικά: Η Vezené αναζητά μαγειρικό διευθυντή για να δυναμώσει την ομάδα μας. Ο κατάλληλος υποψήφιος θα πρέπει να έχει εμπειρία σε ανάλογη θέση και να είναι ικανός να οδηγήσει την ομάδα της κουζίνας στην επίτευξη των στόχων της εταιρίας.

Περιγραφή Θέσης:

Ο μαγειρικός διευθυντής θα είναι υπεύθυνος για την παροχήleadership και suppport στο όλο πλαίσιο της αρμόδιας υπόθεσης ςόλης του 국가.Αυτό περιλαμβάνει: Assumes leaderhsip responsibilities in kitchen management such as coordinating team members and assigning duties effectively. Ensures the quality of ingredients and equipment used in food preparation to provide high-quality service to customers. Develops training programs for staff and evaluates performance regularly. Assists with events and projects that may require unique skills or knowledge related to our restaurant's concept or niche market customer base including but not limited to video productions on social media.

  • Leadership & Team Management: Coordinate team activities to achieve overall objectives, assign tasks, monitor progress, identify areas for improvement and coach colleagues to excel in their roles.
  • Quality Control: Monitor food handling procedures, inventory and other health-related issues affecting product quality to ensure proper practice within guidelines established by regulatory bodies (Health department regulations).
  • Training Development: Create practical educational plans tailored specifically toward these professionals with an aim at enhancing skill retention rates
  • Helping Hands needed too - Occasional Support may be required during off peak season periods for short-term setup removals (optional)